4 Key Nutrients For Gut Repair And Anti-Inflammatory

nutrients for gut Repair

4 Key Nutrients For Gut Repair And Anti-Inflammatory

Modulating changes in intestinal permeability is the goal in most gastrointestinal diseases or patients with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune thyroid disease. Additionally, the development of inflammation is associated with activating a highly coordinated gene expression program. The program contains more than 1,100 genes. However, inflammation is actually the body’s protective mechanism. It is not harmful to the body. Only excessive inflammation is harmful to the body.

Therefore, in order to deal with excessive inflammatory responses, we need to turn off as many inflammatory activators as possible and turn on anti-inflammatory activators as much as possible to adjust our inflammatory gene expression. The safest way to regulate gene expression involves two aspects.

First and foremost, eat good quality food, preferably organic.

Secondly, properly supplement nutrients in the diet.

So, which 4 nutrients for gut repair and anti-inflammation are critical?

4 Key Nutrients For Gut Repair And Anti-Inflammation

Vitamin D

In most people’s minds, vitamin D is a calcium supplement. In fact, vitamin D has many functions. For example, it has a special effect on treating intestinal permeability. It helps repair the function of the intestinal tight junctions.

The “tight junctions” of the intestine are the protective barrier of the intestine. Once the tight junction is opened, large, undigested molecules can pass through the tight junction and enter the bloodstream.

These undigested macromolecule particles will activate the body’s immune system and produce antibodies against the macromolecules.

Therefore, if a large number of allergic foods are found during a slow-sensitivity examination, the first thing you should think about is that you may have changes in permeability. Next, in addition to taboos, you also need to repair.

Once the repair is complete, you will find that when you test again, there will be far fewer foods you were allergic to.

Vitamin D plays a vital role in “tight junctions.” If you are deficient in vitamin D, your intestines are more susceptible to permeability problems.

Glutamine Powder

It is the primary metabolic fuel for intestinal mucosal epithelial cells. Not only that, glutamine can also turn on some genes to repair damaged intestines.

Glutamine has been used successfully in HIV and cancer patients to help their intestines better absorb nutrients and thereby gain weight.

However, it should be noted that the amount of glutamine needs to be controlled for patients with yeast infections because this amino acid will promote yeast growth.

Fish Oil

One of 4 nutrients for gut repair and anti-inflammatory is Fish Oil. It contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which can produce anti-inflammatory effects. Because fish oil modulates inflammatory genes in many different body parts, it also has three potential benefits, as shown below.

  1. It may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. It reduces high blood pressure.
  3. It enhances brain function.

The main components of fish oil are EPA and DHA. Among them, EPA has anti-inflammatory properties. It turns on anti-inflammatory genes in the gut and turns off other inflammatory genes.

However, Omega-3 fatty acids can only be obtained through diet and cannot be produced by the human body. As we all know, fish, especially deep-sea fish, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. However, many fish contain high levels of mercury and are not safe. Therefore, consuming high-quality fish oil nutrients is the best option.

Zinc Carnosine

There are 18 different types of zinc, each with specific functions. Among them, zinc l carnosine is considered to have a therapeutic effect on gastrointestinal diseases. Zinc L-Carnosine is a chelate of zinc and L-carnosine. Its full name is Beta-alanyl-L-Histidinato Zinc. It contains 23% zinc and 77% L-carnosine.

Zinc supplementation is known to help tighten intestinal mucosal junctions and help repair leaky gut. Carnosine is a natural dipeptide composed of Beta Alanine and L-histidine. It can form stable complexes with zinc. When zinc and carnosine are combined, both maintain the stability of the gastric mucosa through their antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing abilities and protection of gastric cells. Thereby promoting the restoration of the integrity of the gastric mucosa. It is three times stronger than taken alone. It can increase the frequency of new cell proliferation and migration by 75%, thereby healing gastric damage. Therefore, in Japan, this nutrient is used clinically for gastric ulcers.

In repairing small intestinal damage, it can increase the proliferation and migration frequency of new cells by 50%. This mechanism is critical because most of the damage caused by a leaky gut occurs in the small intestine.

Zinc Carnosine may also help reverse damage caused by taking NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs can increase intestinal permeability, leading to erosion, ulcers, bleeding, etc. in the intestinal mucosa. Data show that one-third of deaths caused by NSAIDs are related to daily low-dose aspirin use. Even taking 10mg per day can cause stomach ulcers. Therefore, if you need to take NSAIDs, such as aspirin, you should also take some intestinal nutritional protective agents.

Therefore, I want to list carnosine zinc as one of the most beneficial nutrients for gut repair and anti-inflammatory properties.


To summarize, vitamin D, glutamine powder, fish oil, and zinc carnosine are the top 4 nutrients for gut repair and anti-inflammatory properties. Especially zinc carnosine, which is a gastric mucosal protector approved in Japan. Used clinically to treat gastric ulcers. Therefore, there is already a large amount of clinical data demonstrating its effectiveness. Nutri Avenue provides the above four nutrient ingredients to support the development and production of intestinal health products.

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