Bromelain With Quercetin: Is It A Good Supplement Type?

Bromelain With Quercetin

Bromelain With Quercetin: Is It A Good Supplement Type?

Bromelain and Quercetin are two common ingredients in supplements to support different uses. There are many supplements on the market now with Bromelain With Quercetin as the main formula. Is the combination of the two really suitable and useful? Today, let’s take a look at the effects of these two ingredients with Nutri Avenue.

What Is Quercetin?

Quercetin is a flavonoid compound widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Among them, onions, apples, tea, red wine, green cauliflower, and ginkgo contain higher levels. According to some data, the antioxidant capacity of Quercetin is 20 times that of vitamin C and 50 times that of vitamin E. It is one of the strongest antioxidants in nature. In addition to this, this ingredient also has several benefits listed below.

  1. Anti-oxidation
  2. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer
  3. Antibacterial and antiviral
  4. Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic
  5. Antidiabetic complications
  6. Protect cardiovascular
  7. Closely related to the respiratory system
  8. Reduce the risk of certain tumors
  9. Skin color enhancement and protection

Simply put, Quercetin has antioxidant, antihistamine, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve allergy symptoms. This ingredient is the best natural antihistamine currently available. It inhibits histamine and mast cell activation by stabilizing mast cells. It also inhibits the release of other allergic mediators from mast cells and basophils. Take it together with VC powder to increase absorption.

What Is Bromelain?

Bromelain refers to a thiol endopeptidase in parts of bromeliad plants, including skin, stems, and leaves. It also contains other components, such as phosphatase, glycosidase, peroxidase, cellulase, escharase, and several protease inhibitors. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that it has a variety of fibrinolytic, edema-reducing, antithrombotic, and anti-inflammatory activities.

The chemical properties of Bromelain have been known since 1875. Because it has various therapeutic effects, such as promoting protein digestion, softening meat, and promoting blood coagulation, it has important economic value in the food industry, textiles, and pharmaceuticals.

Bromelain is quite absorbable. It does not lose its proteolytic activity after ingestion into the human intestine and produces no side effects. The highest concentration of Bromelain can be detected in the blood about 1 hour after ingestion. Its half-life is approximately 6-9 hours.

Since the concentration of this ingredient is highest in the stems and less in the fruit, the pineapple enzyme health products currently on the market are generally extracted from the juice squeezed from the pineapple stem through centrifugation, ultrafiltration, freeze-drying, and other methods.

Quercetin With Bromelain Benefits

  • It helps reduce allergy symptoms.

Bromelain With Quercetin supplements, when taken along with vitamin C, significantly reduced the incidence of asthma. The vitamin C content acts like a mild antihistamine. Quercetin works by inhibiting the release of histamine from immune cells. Histamine is the chemical that causes allergic reactions.

  • It helps in the cure of prostatitis.

The powerful anti-inflammatory effects of Quercetin greatly aid in the treatment of prostatitis. Bromelain and vitamin C are thought to alter urine composition, thereby inhibiting the development of the E. coli virus, a common cause of bacterial prostatitis.

  • It has benefits that support cardiovascular health.

Existing research has found that Bromelain and Quercetin have blood-thinning effects. It may prevent stroke and other heart disease. This combination of ingredients is also beneficial in treating blood clots and plaque in the arteries. These blood-thinning effects also enhance heart health and improve blood flow.

  • It relieves symptoms such as asthma.

Adding Bromelain With Quercetin can help completely eliminate asthma symptoms in some patients. The former has a crucial inhibitory effect on enzymes that cause inflammation. The latter reduces mucus viscosity.

Is It Safe For Bromelain With Quercetin?

Although there are no significant adverse effects from taking Bromelain and Quercetin, the formula may also have minor side effects, such as gas, cramps, and diarrhea.


To summarize, Bromelain is a protein-digesting enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to intervene in various histamine-related diseases. Proteases help block antigen-presenting and dendritic cells, mitigating the primary immune response. Quercetin and Bromelain work well together when it comes to fighting allergies. Quercetin also has antioxidant effects and can inhibit histamine reactions. Bromelain can limit the effects of metabolites and neutrophils on inflammation. It also helps increase the body’s absorption and utilization of Quercetin. Therefore, Bromelain With Quercetin is an excellent supplement formula to support immune system health.

Additionally, Vitamin C can be added to Bromelain With Кверцетин to create a formula easily absorbed into the body.

Nutri Avenue provides these three ingredients as a supplement ingredients supplier to support customers in producing supplement products with this formula. Welcome to learn more about ingredients, including COA, etc.

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