bulk ingredients
hair growth
Растеж на косата
Epicatechin 98% (Epicatelean®)
Общо здраве за мозъка
Choline DL-Bitartrate
Растеж на косата
Незабавен левцин на прах
Общо здраве за мозъка
Lycopene Powder
Грижа за кожата Здраве
Общо здраве за мозъка
Екстракт от трибулус терестрис
Общо здраве за мозъка
Horny Goat Weed Powder
Общо здраве за мозъка
Aphrodisiaca Damiana Extract
Общо здраве за мозъка
Cnidium Monnieri Extract
Общо здраве за мозъка
Таурин на прах
Общо здраве за мозъка
Растеж на косата
Екстракт от плодове на Saw Palmetto
Общо здраве за мозъка
Общо здраве за мозъка
Banaba Leaf Extract
Общо здраве за мозъка
Basil Extract
Общо здраве за мозъка
Общо здраве за мозъка
Riboflavin 5′-Phosphate Sodium
Хранителни добавки
Общо здраве за мозъка
Oat Extract
Общо здраве за мозъка
Hoodia Cactus Powder
Ingredients for Hair Growth
Hair loss, or thinning hair, is a very common phenomenon these days. There are many potential reasons cause the problem of hair loss, such as:
- family inheritance
- malnutrition
- stay up
- excessive social pressure leads to poor mental state, etc.
In order to help hair growth and health, it is important to use effective ingredients. For best results, learn about the following ingredients that can help with hair problems:
Beta sitosterol powder: This ingredient reduces hair loss by blocking dihydrotestosterone. And promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair loss. B-sitosterol powder occurs naturally in plants, seeds, vegetables, nuts and fruits.
Magnesium powder: Magnesium is a mineral that the human body needs to function properly. It prevents problems such as clogged hair follicles and dry scalp caused by calcium buildup on the scalp.
Alfalfa extract powder: This extract powder is rich in vitamins A, E, and K. Provides the body with the nutrients it needs to grow healthy hair.
Genistein powder: Studies have shown that Genistein powder reduces hair loss by stimulating the production of hyaluronic acid.
Apple polyphenol powder (apple extract powder): This extract is present in the epidermis of unripe apples. It acts as a potent antioxidant. There is data to support that after taking apple extract powder continuously, the hair diameter increased by nearly 80%, and the total number of hairs also increased. No side effects have been found so far.
Melatonin powder: Melatonin powder can correct the imbalanced circadian rhythm to promote hair growth.
Zinc powder: If a person is deficient in zinc, there is a good chance that a certain degree of hair loss will occur. So, supplementing with zinc powder helps the body to regrow hair.
Daidzein powder: This ingredient is a compound derived from soybeans. Similar to Genistein powder, Daidzein powder supports hair health and helps hair growth.
Choose from these and other hair-growth-supporting ingredients to create a premium hair care product that supports the formation of healthy hair for men and women.
Често задавани въпроси
B vitamins play an important role in hair and skin health. And biotin powder is one of the B vitamins which improves the structure of keratin in the human body. This structure is the main factor in hair growth.
This vitamin promotes hair growth and regrowth. And it may aid in the production of new hair follicles, thereby improving overall hair thickness.
Canadian willowherb is a botanical. It promotes hair growth by reducing scalp inflammation while having healthy hair follicles.
Strontium Citrate powder, Saw Palmetto Extract powder, Safflower extract powder, etc., are also good for hair growth or hair loss.