Black Cumin Seeds extract: Tutankhamun’s Medicine in Modern Science’s Hands

Black Cumin Seeds extract

Black Cumin Seeds extract: Tutankhamun’s Medicine in Modern Science’s Hands

There are numerous terms used to refer to the potential medicinal ingredient Nigella sativa which include Black sesame, Black caraway and even Onion seeds but the most common term used by pharmaceutical products manufacturers and medical practitioners remains to be Black Cumin Seeds. For thousands of years, Black Cumin Seeds extract has been used in the development of alternative medications such as tonics and potions. While no solid evidences were established to prove the effectiveness of the drug in past, several inscriptions recovered from ancient civilizations reveal that Black Cumin Seeds extract has been used to treat headaches, mild infections and respiratory conditions. Today, there being access to complete laboratory examinations, experts were able to draw conclusions as to how the extract works and why it can be beneficial to humans.

What is Black Cumin Seeds extract?

Extracted from the seeds of Nigella sativa, a plant native in South Asian regions, Black Cumin Seeds extract has been found to be embedded with tombs of Egyptian pharaohs like Tutankhamun. The plant has also been mentioned in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Isaiah, which proves that it has been in existent even before the development of advanced medicinal practices. Black Cumin Seeds extract is revealed to contain several essential elements like conjugated linoleic acid and melanthin which contributes to its various health effects in the body.

Benefits of using Black Cumin Seeds extract

While human subject studies involving Black Cumin Seeds extract have already been initiated, there are very limited explanations as to how the compounds found in the extract exactly works. Some of the health benefits of using the extract are the following:

  • It can be used against treatment-resistant infections

Most types of infections may be treated with antibiotics and antiviral medications but due to microbial mutations, several treatment-resistant microorganisms have already grown in the environment. In an independent study recently conducted, scientists found that Black Cumin Seeds extract may work as an antimicrobial agent against treatment-resistance microbes. The specific names of microorganisms against which the drug may be effective against are now, however, made known to public yet.

  • It may help prevent cancer growth

The phytochemicals found in Black Cumin Seeds extract are also believed to help prevent cancer cell growth through apoptosis-induced mechanisms and toxin elimination processes. Scientists say, however, that there is no proof as to whether the extract may treat both benign and malignant types of cancer.

  • It may promote liver health

The liver is one of the most vital organs which primarily work to eliminate toxins. Studies show that Black Cumin Seeds extract may help promote liver health by stimulating the healing process among liver cells. The active components of the extract are also believed to protect the liver from damaging toxins.


Containing over 20 essential compounds and phytochemicals, there is no doubt as to why Black Cumin Seeds extract works. Not only is the extract useful in ancient civilizations but it may also be the very ingredient needed by modern generations.

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