2023 Innovative Ingredient: Broad Beans Made By Fermentation

board beans made by fermentation

2023 Innovative Ingredient: Broad Beans Made By Fermentation

Recently, Finnish company Foodiq has developed a plant-based product called a “new ingredient,” broad beans made by fermentation. The ingredient, called Fabea+, offers a “more nutritious, sustainable and scalable” alternative to mainstream protein ingredients currently used in the plant-based market, including soybean extract powder, pea, and oats.

By fermenting broad beans through a “unique industrial-scale production process,” the Finnish company said it had developed a protein ingredient “capable of taking on a variety of shapes and flavors.” Foodiq describes Fabea+ as a “new ingredient” that offers a “new platform” for the production of “a variety of plant-based products.”

Fabea+ has no unpleasant aftertaste, is potentially malleable and offers “zero compromises” in taste or texture, and is available in powder or block form, the company said. The company revealed that fava beans are usually only used as isolates and concentrates. Still, this fermented powder form is new to the industry, and fermentation is a process that enables “off-flavored” flavors.

Pasi Raito, Chief Commercial Officer of Foodiq, said that this time the broad beans made by fermentation had been turned into an innovative ingredient powder in the Nordic region, which can upgrade products to a new level, whether it is dairy products, grains, or meat. Based on a unique industrial-scale manufacturing process combined with natural fermentation, Fabea+ has a neutral taste and no off-flavor. Also, it’s vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO, and FODMAP-friendly.

The company claims the powder is suitable for various end-use applications, including baked goods, dairy, and pasta. Foodiq believes the ingredient will allow food manufacturers to broaden the appeal of plant-based products by improving existing formulations and developing new SKUs. Currently, the plant-based meat market is facing growth issues, with sales stagnating and brands struggling to differentiate in an increasingly saturated market. Foodiq believes this innovation will allow food producers to develop new products and improve existing products to appeal to consumers.

Broad beans are considered a highly sustainable crop that can be grown in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

In brief, Fabea+, broad beans made by fermentation, features include as follows:

  1. High levels of protein and fiber.
  2. Alternatives can be used in baked goods, dairy products, pasta, and other applications.
  3. Made from broad beans, a sustainable crop that can be grown in various places.
  4. It can be rapidly scaled and incorporated into the product lifecycle.
  5. Available in powder and block form.

If you want to know more about bulk raw ingredients powder, please contact our team. info@nutriavenue.com

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