Buckthorn bark extract: An Overall Cure for Digestive Conditions

Buckthorn bark extract

Buckthorn bark extract: An Overall Cure for Digestive Conditions

The processing of Buckthorn bark for purposes of its use in the field of medicine requires a lapse of time as it is best used after it has aged for at least a year. Some manufacturers also adopt means like heat treatment in order to shorten the lapse of time and use the ingredient as soon as harvested. Buckthorn bark should not be used in its fresh form as it can cause irritation in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. After undergoing process, however, Buckthorn bark extract is said to help cure many gastrointestinal conditions, especially those affecting the bowel. It is useful among adult individuals, as well as those who are approaching the elderly age, at it lowers risk for digestive disorders brought about by aging. It is also said to cure many lifestyle-associated conditions.

What is Buckthorn bark extract?

In the field of alternative medicine, Buckthorn bark extract is believed to be a potential treatment for cancers. Modern phytochemical studies show that Buckthorn bark extract contains a certain compound known as anthraquinone which prevents spread and rapid multiplication of cancer cells in the human body. The mode of action of this compound, along with other elements found in Buckthorn bark extract, in preventing cancer is believed to be through detoxification pathways. Further studies are required, however, to fully establish the cancer-preventing effects of Buckthorn bark extract. Although the use of Buckthorn bark extract is generally safe among adults, individuals who are suffering from certain health conditions must seek physician’s consultation on recommended doses. Younger individuals are also advised to take Buckthorn bark extract only with physician’s prescriptioin.

What are the benefits of using Buckthorn bark extract?

Supplements containing Buckthorn bark extract promote overall wellness through widespread detoxification. The following are some of the health benefits of using Buckthorn bark extract:

  • It has laxative effects

Buckthorn bark extract contains several compounds proven to have laxative effects. Unlike laxative drugs which may have certain side effects, Buckthorn bark extract can be used in promoting bowel movement safely and effectively, as long as it is taken within recommended doses.

  • It may help treat skin disorders

Many researches on Buckthorn bark extract show that it may help treat certain skin disorders brought about by varying causative factors. There are, however, limited evidences on the effects of Buckthorn bark extract on autoimmune skin conditions.

  • It may help treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures

Depending on the degree, hemorrhoids and anal fissures may be treated with medications or through surgeries. Studies show that Buckthorn bark extract may help cure hemorrhoids and anal fissures when taken for long periods of time within recommended doses.


Buckthorn bark extract is typically ideal for individuals who are suffering from gastrointestinal conditions. High risk patients may also take Buckthorn bark extract for preventive measures.

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