Daidzein:Phytoestrogenic Compound for Prostate Cancer


Daidzein:Phytoestrogenic Compound for Prostate Cancer

Health compounds manifesting estrogenic activities have been found to be quite beneficial not only to elderly women and those who are suffering from hormonal imbalances but also to the entire community of females as a whole. Phytoestrogens such as Daidzein are also subjected to clinical studies in order to determine the potential effects of the compound in terms of cancer control and prevention. Daidzein is a very common dietary supplement ingredient of the modern days. Although there are limited studies available to prove how the compound exactly works in the human body, its inclusion in diet through food sources and dietary supplements is highly advised by health experts. The compound is classified as generally safe among individuals not otherwise suffering from complicated conditions.

What is Daidzein?

Daidzein is among the most popular isoflavone compounds typically isolated from soybeans and other food sources. It occurs naturally with Genistein, another phytoestrogen compound found in soybeans. The compound Daidzein, when used in health supplement formulations, is best included with other phytoestrogen compounds for long-term efficiency. The practice of continued Daidzein supplementation, according to certain studies, has been shown to reduce risk of development of various hormone-associated and genetic mutation-linked diseases among women such as breast cancers. Deeper studies are necessary, however, to determine fully the exact pharmacologic effects of the compound in other organ systems of the body including possibilities of hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.

Health Benefits of using Daidzein

Along with other phytoestrogenicisoflavones, Daidzein is believed to provide a wide range of health benefits among both men and women users. The following are some of the health uses of Daidzein supplementation:

  1. It may prevent osteoporosis

The rapid loss of nutrients in the bones which eventually result to bone demineralization and eventually, loss of bone density and osteoporosis is significantly associated with changes in hormonal balance among women in the late-adulthood age. Although long-term hormonal therapy is usually indicated in order to prevent the condition from occurring and progressing, some studies show that increasing Daidzein intake through supplementation may be a good management option as the compound is proven to help improve hormonal production. It is, however, indicated only as an adjunct treatment option.

  1. It offers benefits for prostate cancer prevention

While most phytoestrogenic compounds are only primarily indicated for women, some studies show that the compound Daidzein also offers benefits for prostate cancer prevention. Asian populations consuming higher amounts of soybeans have been shown to have reduced risk for developing the condition. Experts say that the finding can be associated with the increase in Daidzein intake among Asian men, as compared to Western population.

  1. It may reduce alcohol dependence

Alcohol withdrawal which often results from sudden stoppage of alcohol intake has long been treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine with herbs containing Daidzein. Although the association between the compound and ethanol in alcohol is not yet fully understood, some researchers say that Daidzein may help reduce alcohol dependence.


Phytoestrogens like Daidzein are very useful to women users. Increasing Daidzein levels can prevent a lot of diseases including cancers, osteoporosis and other health conditions.

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