DL-Malic acid: Aluminum and Lead Detoxification

DL-Malic acid

DL-Malic acid: Aluminum and Lead Detoxification

Discovered first in 1785, many health studies have already been conducted on Malic acid and its effects in the human body. In order to improve its efficiency, scientists have added other compounds into the Malic acid’s molecular structure, resulting to various essential compounds such as DL-Malic Acid. Today, health supplement manufacturers include DL-Malic acid in their formulations as it is very effective in improving overall health in many ways. Recent researches show that it is quite useful in increasing energy levels, thereby preventing long-term fatigue among modern adults. It also helps prevent pain and control discomfort. DL-Malic acid supplementation, according to studies, is generally safe but it must only be taken within recommended doses. There are no exact evidences on the benefits and risks of using DL-Malic acid supplements but many quantitative studies have already shown the efficiency of the compound.

What is DL-Malic acid?

DL-Malic acid is a compound formed when D-Malic acid and L-Malic acid are combined. Its root compound Malic acid is isolated from fruits, especially apples, and is responsible for the sourness of apples. The compound DL-Malic acid may be used in both medical and culinary fields as it is beneficial as well in providing flavour. In the field of medicine, however, experts say that DL-Malic acid supplementation is beneficial as it is effective in binding the compounds aluminum and lead. Not all detoxifying agents effectively bind aluminum and lead. This is the reason why increase in bodily levels of these compounds increases risk for cancers. By eliminating aluminum and lead in the body, experts believe that DL-Malic acid may protect the body cells from cancer growth. It is also believed that the detoxifying effects of DL-Malic acid may help protect the brain from damaging factors and cognition symptoms.

What are the benefits of using DL-Malic acid?

DL-Malic acid supplementation provides not only detoxification effects but also improvement of overall wellness in different ways. The following are some of the benefits of using DL-Malic acid:

  • It has antiseptic properties

DL-Malic acid is a well-known antiseptic agent. This means that it helps kill microorganisms in a given body area. Many toothpaste products contain DL-Malic acid as it kills microorganisms in the mouth. It is very effective in maintaining oral hygiene.

  • It improves skin health

According to experts, DL-Malic acid supplementation may also be useful in promoting resurfacing of new skin cells and in eliminating dead skin cells on the epidermis. DL-Malic acid may also be used in soaps and other skin care products for this purpose.

  • It helps reduce pain

Pain due to muscular discomfort can also be prevented and treated with DL-Malic acid supplementation, according to various researches. This finding, however, is still subject to deeper researches.


DL-Malic acid can be taken safety by individuals of all ages but it must be taken in moderate doses. It is useful in improving detoxification and preventing various illnesses associated with infections.

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