Folium eriobotryae extract: Pre-Diabetes Syndrome Solution

Folium eriobotryae extract

Folium eriobotryae extract: Pre-Diabetes Syndrome Solution

Pre-diabetes syndrome has been affecting thousands of individuals worldwide, both in the younger age sector and older adults. This condition predisposes patients not only to subsequent problems in cellular glucose uptake but also to cardiovascular conditions which can be very risky. Many patients at young ages who are diagnosed with pre-diabetes syndrome are shown to have high morbidity rate, especially in relation to disorders affecting the kidneys. Although the condition is said to be treated primarily with healthy diet and proper exercise, experts say that the use of health supplements containing relative amounts of Folium eriobotryae extract may be contributory to treatment. Many researches are now being conducted on the compound components of Folium eriobotryae extract following discovery that it may promote Diabetes treatment and reduce the risk of developing dangerous symptoms associated with the disease process.

What is Folium eriobotryae extract?

The health supplement component Folium eriobotryae extract is derived from a traditional Chinese herb more commonly known as loquat. Loquat has long been used in the treatment of respiratory health symptoms and conditions. Respiratory distress in both young and old ages is also shown to respond effectively with Folium eriobotryae extract supplementation. The many other claims associated with Folium eriobotryae extract supplementation are not yet fully understood. They are, however, claimed as highly potential as they are backed already with some quantitative researches. There are limited information on the exact effects of Folium eriobotryae extract compounds in the human body but with the advent of medical science, experts believe that answers to questions on Folium eriobotryae extract will be resolved in the years to come.

What are the benefits of using Folium eriobotryae extract?

The health benefits of taking Folium eriobotryae extract supplements affect various organ systems. The following are among the benefits of using Folium eriobotryae extract supplements:

  • It may increase energy levels

Among the direct effects of effective diabetes treatment is increase in energy levels. Studies show that individuals who take Folium eriobotryae extract have increased energy levels as the compounds in the extract promote glucose uptake.

  • It reduces hyperglycemia

Hyperglycemia is a symptom of Diabetes Mellitus which is characterized by increased glucose concentration in the blood. Many quantitative researches on Folium eriobotryae extract have revealed the effective utilization of glucose among subject patients, thereby reducing hyperglycemia.

  • It may control throat inflammation

Throat inflammation brought about by invasion of microorganisms can be put under control with Folium eriobotryae extract supplementation. The effects of Folium eriobotryae extract in this aspect, according to experts, is more of a prevention than cure.


Folium eriobotryae extract can be used safely and effectively by both men and women. It may, however, cause drug interactions, especially among individuals taking various medications. It must be taken only within recommended doses.

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