Primarily studied upon for its effects in helping smokers during rehabilitation period, many experts in the field of medicine are quite interested on the effects of Gentian root extract in the human body. Tracing its contributions in the alternative medicine areas since thousands of years ago, it is believed that the health claims associated with Gentian root extract supplementation may be backed with concrete scientific bases in the years to come. Gentian root extract can be useful in enhancing wellness in so many ways. Aside from preventing nicotine withdrawal effects, the health ingredient is also claimed to improve overall digestion for effective elimination of wastes and absorption of nutrients. It is also believed that Gentian root extract may have contributory effects in overall cancer prevention as it contains constituents with known antioxidant effects.
What is Gentian root extract?
Gentian root extract is among the top supplement extracts shown to have been used historically in the field of alternative Chinese medicine. It is isolated from Gentian herb, specifically, the roots, as this part is known to contain highest concentration of essential nutrients. Some records also show that Gentian root extract was used in European countries as well as in other areas across Southeast Asia. Despite the lack of understanding as to how Gentian root extract promotes health and wellness, phytochemical studies show that it contains compounds like glycosides and xanthones which play vital roles in health promotion. Due to lack of understanding as to how it exactly works in the body, experts say that individuals who are undergoing medical treatment as well as those who are pregnant or lactating must seek consultation from physician prior to use of Gentian root extract.
What are the benefits of using Gentian root extract?
The most common historic use of Gentian root extract in the medical field is in promoting digestion. Modern researches show, however, that it has many other functions which include the following:
- It treats parasitic infections
Parasitic infections in the gastrointestinal tract are shown to respond positively with Gentian root extract supplementation. The compounds in Gentian root extract effectively reduce parasite growth and development in the early stages of the disease process.
- It may treat sluggish liver
Sluggish liver leads to reduction in the production of essential fluids for digestion. Studies show that relative amounts of Gentian root extract may help treat sluggish liver and promote effective production of gastric fluids.
- It may help relieve fatigue
Long-term fatigue brought about by various factors may also be treated with Gentian root extract supplements. Experts say that Gentian root extract may increase energy levels to relieve fatigue.
Many benefits affecting other organ systems of the body may be realized with Gentian root extract supplementation. Its use, however, is subject to certain restrictions to avoid side effects.