Guggulsterone: Weight Loss and Cholesterol Control Compound


Guggulsterone: Weight Loss and Cholesterol Control Compound

Questions on whether the fast-rising body-building compound Guggulsterone will have the same end as the previously popular compound Ephedra is currently among the issues in health supplement fields following discovery that both compounds have almost similar molecular structures. In various studies, however, it was settled that Guggulsterone, unlike Ephedra, does not necessarily result to addiction and dangerous side effects as it has certain minute variations in structure. Guggulsterone is currently used widely in the production of body-building health supplements along with other proven safe and effective compounds. For individuals who are suffering from disorders affecting metabolic processes, using Guggulsterone must be with physician’s advice.

What is Guggulsterone?

Guggulsterone is the active compound derived from the historically-effective plant steroid Guggul which is native in India but also found in other Asian regions. The resin of the Guggul plant yields highest amounts of Guggulsterone according to phytochemical studies. The compound is believed to primarily work in the cholesterol breakdown and synthesis process by targeting the liver and the gastrointestinal tract. Important clinical researches have also revealed that it may work on the thyroid glands to improve production of thyroid hormones. While most studies on Guggulsterone are conducted only on animal subjects, experts are looking forward to finally completing human subject studies in the coming years.

Health benefits of Guggulsterone

Plant steroid hormones are known to improve the overall appearance of muscles. The plant steroid Guggulsterone, however, provides other unique health benefits which can be useful to both men and women.

The health benefits of Guggulsterone include the following:

  • It may boost weight loss effects

Increasing T3 and T4 production in the thyroid gland, according to researches, significantly boosts weight loss effects among obese and overweight individuals. The metabolism hormones T3 and T4 are usually reduced among patients suffering from weight gain. By simply increasing rate of production through Guggulsterone supplementation, weight loss is believed to be obtained by individual users. For patients suffering from hyperthyroidism and goiter, however, Guggulsterone is absolutely prohibited.

  • It may control cholesterol levels

Guggulsterone also targets the liver to enhance fat breakdown process and reduce rise in cholesterol levels. Maintaining cholesterol levels within normal ranges effectively prevents onset of various clinical disorders. Some studies also show that Guggulsterone may control atherosclerotic plaque formation through triglyceride cut-down patterns.

  • It may work as an antibiotic

In the early days, Guggul resin has been used in the treatment of skin infections and inflammations. Today, it has been established in clinical studies that Guggulsterone may work as an antibiotic compound which may prevent acne and pimple growth.


The many health benefits of Guggulsterone are still mostly subject to studies due to lack of clinical studies completely establishing the claims. There being several quantitative studies showing efficiency, however, the use of Guggulsterone in health supplement formulations is highly advised.

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