Hawthorn flavones: Powerful Antioxidants in Hawthorn

Hawthorn flavones

Hawthorn flavones: Powerful Antioxidants in Hawthorn

In various health studies conducted on rat and other animal-subject studies, the effects of Hawthorn flavones have been established and recommended for further human studies. Flavone compounds isolated from leaves of the Hawthorn plant are proven to be effective in reducing risk for cancer development, as well as in controlling rapid growth of cancer cells in the body of a person diagnosed with the disease. Theoretical researches provide that Hawthorn flavones probably work by reducing circulating free radicals in the body, thereby preventing development of mutations in normal body cells. Some pharmacological studies also provide other potential explanation as to how Hawthorn flavones works but these claims are not yet recognized. Hawthorn flavones may provide many other benefits to the human body, especially in terms of preventing various diseases.

What are Hawthorn flavones?

Hawthorn is a plant used in the manufacture of Hawthorn extract. It is also the source of the fast-growing health supplement ingredient Hawthorn flavones. Across European countries, Hawthorn flavones are among the safest and most effective health supplement ingredients which are recognized among professional medical experts. Aside from proven quantitative researches, there are also some qualitative studies on Hawthorn flavones which have long been conducted in many laboratory fields. Hawthorn flavones are used primarily in the prevention of cardiovascular conditions. It has been observed in medical researches that individuals who are at risk of developing heart diseases have lowered risk following Hawthorn flavones supplementation. Hawthorn flavones effectively improve blood circulation not only in the extremities but also in the brain and other body areas. This benefit improves function of various body organs, thereby promoting overall health and wellness.

Health benefits of using Hawthorn flavones supplements

Formulations of health supplements with Hawthorn flavones can be very beneficial for individuals with cardiovascular diseases, as long as it is taken with physician’s advice. Other benefits of using Hawthorn flavones include the following:

  • It has neuroprotective effects

Neuron protection is among the unique benefits of taking Hawthorn flavones supplements. Studies show that neuron degeneration can prevented with long-term Hawthorn flavones supplementation as these compounds reduce accumulation of damaging toxins in the brain.

  • It may help lower blood pressure

Hawthorn flavones may also contribute to lowering blood pressure among patients who are diagnosed with hypertension. The effects may not be as immediate, however, as prescription medications for hypertension.

  • It has antioxidant effects

Flavone compounds in general are used in the field of alternative medicine as antioxidants. Studies show that Hawthorn flavones are effective in detoxification of body cells, especially liver cells. It may also help improve overall skin cell appearance.


Aside from Hawthorn extract, isolating Hawthorn flavones and including them in health supplement manufacture is an ideal practice. Hawthorn flavones are generally safe among adults.

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