Horseradish extract: An Effective Anti-hypertensive Agent

Horseradish extract

Horseradish extract: An Effective Anti-hypertensive Agent

Being a rich source of essential nutrients and compounds, Horseradish extract is currently becoming popular in the field of alternative medicine as a potential treatment and preventive measure for bacterial infections in the urinary tract, cardiovascular conditions and other illnesses. Horseradish extract is also known to contain high amounts of fiber, which means that it may help improve overall digestive function and promote effective weight loss. In one study, it was observed that obese patients who undergo Horseradish extract supplementation lose weight faster as compared to patients who are not undergoing the therapy. However, further studies must be conducted to fully establish the association between weight loss and Horseradish extract. Safety issues on the use of Horseradish extract are also sought to be resolved through advanced medical studies which are currently being conducted in laboratory fields across the globe.

What is Horseradish extract?

The health supplement ingredient Horseradish extract is quite useful in enhancing wellness as it yields high amounts of essential nutrients. It is also observed to help improve overall immunity, thereby preventing occurrences of various illnesses including infections. Horseradish belongs to the same family as that of cabbages and broccoli. It originated from Southern Europe and Western Asian regions but is now spreading all over the world following discovery of its potential health uses. Aside from being useful in the field of medicine, Horseradish extract is also useful in the culinary field due to its unique taste. Although safe and effective among human users, Horseradish extract is said to be dangerous amount horses.

What are the benefits of using Horseradish extract?

Horseradish extract contains magnesium, calcium, fiber, zinc, Vitamin C and many other nutrients needed by the body for the regulation of normal bodily functions. Taking Horseradish extract may provide many health benefits which include the following:

  • It may help prevent cancer

Horseradish extract also contains certain compounds which are known to possess antioxidant properties. By helping the body eliminate toxins or free radicals these compounds in Horseradish extract effectively prevent genetic mutations which usually result to cancers. Horseradish extract does not, however, exactly cure cancer. It only reduces cancer cell growth.

  • It helps lower blood pressure

By providing the body with adequate amounts of Potassium, Horseradish extract is said to help lower blood pressure. Lowered potassium level in the blood is one of the causative factors of hypertension. Increasing potassium levels may help treat the condition.

  • It helps improve fetal growth and development

Studies also show that Horseradish extract contains folate which is useful in improving growth of the fetus in a pregnant mother’s womb. Horseradish extract must be taken with caution, however, among pregnant women. Physician’s advice is necessary.


Horseradish extract may be used in improving cardiovascular, digestive and overall health. It is safe and effective provided that it is used only within recommended doses.

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