Natural vitamin sources like Sea Kelp are highly recommended in the health supplement formulations as they are potentially efficient and safe. Due to possibility of easy contamination, however, which may vary depending on the manner of extraction conducted by the supplier, Kelp extract may lose some of its nutrient components. Kelp extract has long been used in alternative medicine practices as it is known to fuel up the body through metabolism power-up and hormonal balance promotion but with the advent of advanced medical studies, other significant health effects of Kelp extract have been established. Taken within recommended doses, Kelp extract is believed to promote health and wellness both among young and older individuals.
What is Kelp extract?
Kelp extract is taken from Sea Kelp, a kind of seaweed or brown algae discovered to be rich in phytonutrients. Sea Kelp is found in various seas and oceans of the world but it is most prevalent in the Antarctic region. The use of Kelp extract in the manufacture of certain aesthetic products have already been approved in certain countries but its use as a health supplement ingredient is still under deliberations. The most important consideration in using Kelp extract is still the derivation procedure carried out by the manufacturer as the active components of the extract may be destroyed easily with rapid extraction. In terms of safety and efficiency, however, there are no issues yet with respect to Kelp extract supplements.
What are the benefits of using Kelp extract?
Supplementing vitamin and mineral needs through Kelp extract is an effective way of promoting wellness. In several studies, the following are proven as some of the benefits of using Kelp extract:
- It boosts immune system function
The nutrients found in Kelp extract are generally useful in enhancing immune system function to enhance resistance against invading microorganisms and disease processes. Long-term use of Kelp extract supplements is required, however, to boost immunity especially among individuals with compromised immunity brought about by debilitating health conditions.
- It lowers risk for cancer
Most experts also say that Kelp extract may help lower risk for cancer development especially those affecting the gastrointestinal and reproductive systems of the body as the compounds found in the extract effectively enhances metabolism and hormonal balance. There is no established proof, however, on the effects of Kelp extract against pancreatic cancer, leukemia and other types of dangerous cancers.
- It improves thyroid function
The thyroid gland is responsible for several processes in the body including metabolism, temperature regulation and fat distribution. An overstimulated or underworking thyroid gland can result to several unlikely symptoms which can affect a person’s activities of daily living. In one study, it was revealed that Kelp extract may effectively improve thyroid function by enhancing hormonal balance.
One of the greatest contributions of seas and oceans in the field of medicine is Kelp extract. Not only is it effective in maintaining hormone levels but it may also control metabolic conditions.