원스톱 벌크 파우더 공급업체

뉴트리 애비뉴 Inc

Caffeine Anhydrous

제품 이름 Caffeine Anhydrous
기타 이름 3,7-Dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6-dione~1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine,

Melting point standard caffeine,

Natural Caffeinum,

Green Tea Extract Caffeine

CAS 번호 58-08-2
분자 공식 C8H10N4O
분자량 194.19 g/mol
생산 기술 Plant Extract/ Synthesis
모양/색상 Silky white crystals or crystalline powder
혜택 Improve muscle strength and endurance

improve concentration

reduce appetite

increase metabolism

애플리케이션 식이 보조제 제품

Functional drinking

패키지 1kg, 5kg/가방, 25kg/드럼


무료 견적 받기

Caffeine Anhydrous


What is Caffeine Anhydrous?

Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder is a reprocessed dehydrated form of caffeine. Therefore, the product itself is in the powder form of caffeine, which looks like Silky white crystals or crystalline powder. The molecular formula of Caffeine Anhydrous is C8H10N4O2, the molecular weight is 194.19 g/mol, and the CAS number is 58- 08-2. Tasteless but bitter. Caffeine Anhydrous is soluble in hot water and chloroform.

Caffeine Anhydrous structure

What Are Different Between Caffeine And Caffeine Anhydrous?

Caffeine, officially known as 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthin, is a natural substance. It can be used as a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is commonly found in 60 plant species, including coffee beans, tea trees, and cocoa. In addition, caffeine can also be obtained by synthesis in the laboratory using dimethylurea and malonic acid.

caffeine and Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine Anhydrous is made from the same plants that are naturally caffeine. Essentially, caffeine and Caffeine Anhydrous powder are the same things. The question about how to distinguish between Caffeine Anhydrous and caffeine, the answer is mainly to see the process by which they both produce the final product.

After the seeds and leaves of the coffee plant are harvested, these things go through a process of dehydration, such as filtering out water and other chemicals, etc., leaving behind a pure caffeine powder. Hence the name “anhydrous,” which means “no water.” This is how Caffeine Anhydrous is produced.

Caffeine Anhydrous Powder Manufacturing Process

  • Manufacturing process One:

It is first extracted from the leaves of the tea tree, coffee beans, and cocoa.

After the dehydration process, Caffeine Anhydrous is obtained.

Caffeine Anhydrous Powder Manufacturing Process

  • Manufacturing  process Two:

First, chloroacetic acid is neutralized, cyanated, and acidified to obtain cyanoacetic acid.

Second, cyanoacetyl urea is obtained by condensing cyanoacetic acid with urea.

Third, Cyanoacetylurea undergoes acidification, nitrosation, reduction, acylation, and methylation to obtain caffeine.

Caffeine Anhydrous Bulk Powder Specifications

Caffeine Anhydrous from Nutri Avenue is the purest caffeine, and we can provide Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder with a purity of 98.5%-101% (dry based).

The most common specification is Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder 99%, and Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder 100%.

Caffeine Anhydrous Powder Package

Usually, the specifications for purchasing Caffeine Anhydrous in large quantities are as follows:

1KG, 5KG, 25KG, 50KG, 100KG, etc.

Therefore, Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder below 25KG is packaged in aluminum foil bags. Large-size products above 25KG are packaged and transported in standard cardboard drums.

Nutri Avenue also offers free sample service. The weight is around 10-20g.

Caffeine Anhydrous Bulk Powder Shipping Method

There are three shipping methods for Caffeine Anhydrous Bulk Powder:

  1. By sea
  2. By air
  3. Courier companies, such as FedEx, UPS, etc.

Caffeine Anhydrous Bulk Powder Shipment

Caffeine Anhydrous is in stock at the California warehouse on Nutri Avenue. Contact us for specific shipping prices.

Caffeine Anhydrous Healthy Benefits

  • Caffeine Anhydrous powder may reduce gastrointestinal side effects.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous powder suppresses appetite and stimulates thermogenesis. It also helps to lose weight.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous powder helps improve concentration, alertness, and wakefulness.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous powder improves brain function.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous powder is used as an energizer to improve endurance performance.

Who Is The Best Caffeine Anhydrous Bulk Powder Supplier?

Nutri Avenue is Caffeine Anhydrous bulk powder Supplier. In addition to Caffeine Anhydrous, our official website displays all our mid-supplement products for sale. These ingredient powders are third-party tested and Kosher, Halal, and GMP-certified to ensure you’re buying the best product.

Nutri Avenue has decades of experience in the supplement ingredient and ingredient industry, and we have a large and high-quality source of ingredient manufacturers and factories. And we also have long-term fixed partners, such as Florida Supplement, ELITE, etc.

If you choose Nutri Avenue as your partner, you will get the kindest service and the best price. Get a quote now!

About Caffeine Powder Products


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