Konjac extract: Elephant Yam’s Weight Loss

Konjac extract

Konjac extract: Elephant Yam’s Weight Loss

Fully established is the fact that glucomannan in Konjac extract may help reduce glucose absorption and cholesterol digestion in the digestive system but due to certain risk factors associated with Konjac extract supplementation, the use of the extract has decline over the years. In order to determine whether Konjac extract is indeed a health risk rather than a beneficial one, a group of scientists conducted a study involving various doses of the extract. It was concluded in that study that Konjac extract may really pose a lot of risks in very high doses but within recommended doses, it may provide a lot of health benefits, especially among individuals suffering from obesity and overweight states. Individuals with certain severe disorders must also take Konjac extract following physician’s prescription.

What is Konjac extract?

Belonging to a group of perennial plants prevalent in the Eastern Asian region, the tuber-like Konjac plant has long been used in the field of alternative medicine. Konjac is more popularly known in the Asia as elephant yam and is often harvested only when it is fully grown to ensure that it contains maximum glucomannan. Glucomannan, a dietary fiber, was originally isolated from Konjac extract to develop certain fiber medications for purposes of constipation treatment but for health supplement formulations, Konjac extract, without further isolation procedures, is usually used as it contains other essential nutrients for better health.

Health benefits of using Konjac extract

Over the years, experts were able to establish a lot of health benefits of using Konjac extract. It is always stressed, however, that the extract should be taken only within recommended doses. The following are some of the health benefits of using Konjac extract:

  • It is a laxative agent

Glucomannan in Konjac extract is a powerful laxative agent which may treat severe forms of constipation except those brought about by constrictive bowel conditions. The fiber content of the extract effectively softens stool and promote their elimination in the bowel. Individuals who are at high risk for Diarrhea, however, are not advised to take Konjac extract supplements for long periods of time.

  • It may prevent Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Type II Diabetes Mellitus is distinguished from Juvenile-onset Diabetes as it is primarily associated with fat accumulation in the key receptors of the cells, thereby causing insulin resistance. Studies show that Konjac extract contains active ingredients which reduce cholesterol levels and prevent their accumulation in the body cells. This benefit directly prevents Diabetes Mellitus Type II among those who are at high risk.

  • It can promote weight loss

The laxative effect of the drug, when combined with its benefits in cholesterol non-absorption, can provide safe and effective weight loss beneficial to obese and overweight individuals. It is not quite advisable, however, for normal individuals seeking to lose weight only for aesthetic purposes.


Unlike many other health supplement ingredients, Konjac extract can be considered as an actual medication. To date, however, it still lacks clinical studies to explain its exact pharmacodynamic effects.

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