L-Phenylalanine: The Amino Acid Compound for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms


L-Phenylalanine: The Amino Acid Compound for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Improving overall function of neurotransmitters, according to latest studies, is one of the key solutions in the prevention of treatment not only of physical conditions but also of mental health problems. This is the reason why experts are currently developing interest over health compounds which are shown to have effects in the enhancement of production of neurotransmitters. Among the most useful supplement compounds known to increase dopamine levels, a neurotransmitter, is L-Phenylalanine. The compound L-Phenylalanine has long been used in the field of alternative medicine as it is shown to effectively prevent depression as observed in individual quantitative studies. Later, experts have discovered that L-Phenylalanine works in controlling depression by increasing dopamine as well as catecholamine production. Although this mechanism of action is established in some health studies, the United States Food and Drug Association has not yet recognized L-Phenylalanine as a treatment for specific mental health problems. Further studies are necessary to fully understand the effects, as well as the risks, of using L-Phenylalanine.

What is L-Phenylalanine?

The health supplement compound L-Phenylalanine is classified as an amino acid or a protein building block. It is typically obtained from diet and is found to be a precursor compound for the production of neurotransmitters and other hormones in the body such as norepinephrine and epinephrine. L-Phenylalanine is also necessary for the production of other important amino acids in the body such as tyrosine. Compared to D-Phenylalanine, L-Phenylalanine is known as the natural form of Phenylalanine, or the form which is isolated from the body and from other dietary sources. A lot of studies are currently being conducted on L-Phenylalanine following findings that it works not only in improving mental health but also in enhancing several processes occurring in the human body. Despite its efficiency as a health supplement ingredient, L-Phenylalanine must be taken with caution as excessive doses of the compound may also result to dangerous side effects.

What are the benefits of using L-Phenylalanine?

The following are some of the claimed benefits of using L-Phenylalanine in health supplement formulations:

  • It may work against vitiligo

Vitiligo is among the many auto-immune conditions affecting the integumentary system. Studies show that L-Phenylalanine supplementation may help treat the condition and prevent occurrences of its signs and symptoms.

  • It alleviates alcohol withdrawal symptoms

Many alcoholics find it difficult to stop drinking alcohol due to the occurrences of withdrawal symptoms. Although not yet fully established, it was observed in studies that L-Phenylalanine may be very useful in alleviating alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

  • It works against chronic pain disorders

Several chronic disorders characterized by long-term physical pain may also be prevented with L-Phenylalanine supplementation, according to the latest studies. However, this claim is still to be confirmed.


L-Phenylalanine is very beneficial especially among patients who are at high risk for depression, Parkinson’s disease and other mental health problems. However, it should not be taken in excessively high doses.

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