Madder root extract: Potential Cure for AIDS Infections

Madder root extract

Madder root extract: Potential Cure for AIDS Infections

During the early days, the Father of Medicine Hippocrates has used certain herbs which still exist today in the treatment of serious medical conditions, including bleeding disorders. Although the exact mechanisms of these herbs are not quite understood during the Hippocrates era, modern studies show certain potential activated patterns on how these herbs actually work. One of the most effective treatment measures for internal bleeding in prehistoric times, which is still effective in treating today’s bleeding conditions, is the unique herbal extract known as Madder root extract. The use of Madder root extract appears to have begun in as early as 50 AD. There are, however, limited records on the specific health benefits of Madder root extract as it is not yet subjected to clinical studies in the early times. Today, modern health studies show that Madder root extract is indeed quite effective not only against internal bleeding but also against many forms of health conditions.

What is Madder root extract?

Madder root extract is among the most interesting medicinal herbs in the current generation. Aside from its potential effects in controlling bleeding, it is being studied upon as a potential cure for HIV-AIDS infections. In one study, it was revealed that the compounds in Madder root extract are effective in preventing the release of specific protein chemicals in the body which are necessary for the replication or division of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. This mechanism is very useful in preventing rapid HIV replication which is associated with rapid body degeneration because of AIDS. Further health studies are being conducted to eliminate safety issues associated with Madder root extract for purposes of HIV infections treatment. Many researches are also being conducted to provide foundational evidences for other health claims associated with Madder root extract use.

What are the benefits of using Madder root extract?

Modern health supplements usually contain Madder root extract as it is quite effective in preventing various conditions. The following are some of the health benefits of using Madder root extract:

  • It may enhance wound healing rates

Many people use Madder root extract supplements as it is proven to be useful in enhancing wound healing rates. Researchers say that this is brought about by its inflammation control functions. It is not useful, however, for immediate wound treatment.

  • It may help prevent bladder stone formation

In one health research, experts found that Madder root extract contains a compound which is referred to as Ruberythric acid. This compound helps prevent bladder stone formation and allows passage of kidney stones through the ordinary excretion process without pain.

  • It may promote acne healing

Acne infections are also found to be treated faster with Madder root extract supplementation. This is the reason why some skin health products contain relative amounts of Madder root extract.


There are many reasons why Madder root extract should be included in modern health supplement formulations. It must be used within recommended doses only to prevent serious side effects.

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