Maitake extract: A Mushroom Extract for Longevity

Maitake extract

Maitake extract: A Mushroom Extract for Longevity

Aside from being a primary food source in the olden times, maitake mushroom is also used in the production of various medicines under alternative means. Many practitioners in the modern generation are fully convinced that Maitake extract can be useful in enhancing wellness but there are only limited qualitative researchers which provide proof for individual health claims. Maitake mushroom, according to quantitative researches, can be useful in the prevention of various forms of cancers. It has been observed in clinical studies involving animal subjects that the compounds in Maitake extract effectively prevent rapid cancer cell regeneration, thus preventing tumor formation. Many studies are being conducted to fully explore the effects of Maitake extract in cancer prevention and cure as well as its potential side effects in the human body.

What is Maitake extract?

Maitake extract is a type of a mushroom extract which is now included in various health supplement formulations indicated for adults. It has many known benefits, which include prevention and treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS among women. Other than potentially curing cancer, experts have also observed that Maitake extract supplementation can be useful in controlling side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. For patients undergoing these procedures for cancer control, however, Maitake extract supplements must be taken with recommendation of attending physician. Recently, studies were conducted to determine the effects of Maitake extract compounds in the control of weight. It has been published in various health magazines that Maitake extract may also be useful in weight control as it promotes healthy metabolism. Maitake extract has no known side effects, unless it is used beyond recommended doses.

Health benefits of using Maitake extract

Health supplements with Maitake extract are useful for modern day adults who are at risk for dangerous diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle. The following are some of the benefits of using Maitake extract:

  • It may lower blood pressure

Blood pressure control is among the most common ancient uses of Maitake extract which has been proven under modern medical researches. Patients with chronic hypertension may take Maitake extract if recommended by their doctors.

  • It may reduce cholesterol levels

Patients who are under cholesterol level watch may also take Maitake extract to enhance cut-down of blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol control may help in the prevention of many diseases.

  • It may control sugar levels

Diabetic patients who have unstable sugar levels due to problems with insulin production or insulin use-up are also advised to take Maitake extract supplements as the compounds in the extract promote effective sugar control. Maitake extract is useful for both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, as provided in clinical studies.


Although Maitake extract is quite beneficial, patients who are undergoing medication therapies are advised to seek physician’s advice prior to using the extract. It must also be taken only within prescribed doses to avoid overdose side effects.

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