Mallow extract: The Supplement Ingredient for Immunity

Mallow extract

Mallow extract: The Supplement Ingredient for Immunity

Known typically as a no-calorie food snack, marshmallows are not quite known for its health benefits. In recent health studies, however, and in many historic researches, it has been found that Marshmallow or Mallow extract is quite effective in improving overall wellness through several different mechanisms. Many experts say that the different compounds in Mallow extract are very effective in improving the function of the immune system. This has been found in animal subject studies, but is believed to be applicable as well in humans. Experts are also developing interest over Mallow extract as it is observed to be an effective preventive measure for autoimmune conditions or those disorders associated with immunity self-destruction. There being no established treatment yet for autoimmune conditions, studies on Mallow extract and its autoimmune-preventing properties are being initiated on various laboratory set-ups across the world.

What is Mallow extract?

Mallow extract is taken from the leaves and flowers of a plant known as Malva sylvestis. For a long time, mallow extract has been used in the treatment of ordinary conditions such as common cough and colds as well as viral infections involving the respiratory tract. It has been established thereafter that the effects of Mallow extract in enhancing wellness is brought about by the ability of its compounds to improve immunity. Other independent studies have also shown that the compounds in the extract help reduce microbial growth not only in the respiratory tract but also in the digestive tract. This means that it may help prevent infection. It is also claimed that Mallow extract is effective in controlling inflammation brought about by trauma. Inflammatory joint conditions and inflammations of the musculoskeletal system in general may also be treated with Mallow extract supplementation, as found in health studies. The supplement ingredient Mallow extract can be used safely without risks provided except in cases of overdose.

Health benefits of using Mallow extract

Taking mallow extract supplements provide many health benefits. These include the following, as provided in many health studies:

  • It may help treat sleeping problems

Insomnia patients are believed to find relief with Mallow extract supplementation. This is an important finding in many health studies. Experts do not understand exactly how Mallow extract treats insomnia but it is believed that work efficiently.

  • It has laxative effects

Mallow extract in health supplements may also be used in enhancing bowel movement. This is to prevent the use of laxatives which are known to have certain side effects among individual users. The laxative effects of Mallow extract may be noticed after a few doses.

  • It has anti-aging effects

Several studies have also shown the potentials of Mallow extract in rejuvenating the skin and improving overall skin health. The compounds in the extract help resurface new skin cells and eliminate dead skin cells.


Mallow extract is very useful in enhancing wellness through different mechanisms of action. It is generally safe and effective for everyday use but it must be used with caution among patients who are suffering from certain health conditions without physician’s consent.

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