Milk Vetch root extract: Long-term Cancer-preventive Measure

Milk Vetch root extract

Milk Vetch root extract: Long-term Cancer-preventive Measure

Commonly known in many areas as Milk Vetch, the leguminous plant Astragalus has become very popular both in the fields of alternative medicine and modern health science as it is found to potentially prevent cancer cell growth and development. Although this health benefit is expected in a wide range of Chinese Medicine herbs, Milk Vetch root extract is uniquely recognized as its mechanism of action is close to being fully established. There are several compounds in Milk Vetch root extract which are said to have contributory effects in preventing risks for cancer metastasis. Although it is not fully accepted as a treatment for the disease, it is an effective preventive measure among high-risk individuals or those who have high potentials of developing cancers. No specific types of cancers are established to react positively with Milk Vetch root extract but experts say that it may work against many forms of the condition.

What is Milk Vetch root extract?

Health supplements containing Milk Vetch root extract may present “Astragalus extract” as the name of the ingredient. This is because Milk Vetch root extract is more popularly known as Astragalus in the field of alternative medicine. Milk Vetch grows in many parts of the world. The species which grows across China, however, is the safest type of Milk Vetch as some of the species like those growing in North America contain toxic compounds which have been observed to be deadly among animals. Milk Vetch root extract contains essential compounds including saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides. Although these compound groups can be isolated individually from Milk Vetch root extract for specific purposes, taking health supplements containing Milk Vetch root extract as a whole is more advantageous as it provides full-pack health benefits.

What are the benefits of using Milk Vetch root extract?

Supplementing Milk Vetch root extract is ideal for long term wellness. The use of Milk Vetch root extract among both men and women produce the following health benefits:

  • It may reduce risk for cardiovascular diseases

In one study, it has been established that Milk Vetch root extract may have effects in controlling oxidative stress. This benefit can result to the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk.

  • It lowers cholesterol levels

The saponins in Milk Vetch root extract are also shown to lower cholesterol levels, thereby preventing not only heart illnesses but also Diabetes Mellitus. Milk Vetch root extract may also control triglyceride levels.

  • It has anti-inflammatory effects

Milk Vetch root extract is also believed to help control inflammation brought about by injury and infections. This health claim, however, is still being subjected to in-depth clinical researches.


As long as taken within recommended doses, Milk Vetch root extract is believed to be safe and effective. Caution on Milk Vetch root extract use must be raised among individuals diagnosed with serious health conditions.

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