Nutri Avenue: Supplement Ingredients Prices Update 11/27


Nutri Avenue: Supplement Ingredients Prices Update 11/27

6 Supplement Ingredients Prices Have Obvious Changes

Milk Thistle Extract 80% Silymarin

This week, there was feedback from the factory that, due to market reasons, the price of this extract will begin to increase. Currently, Milk Thistle Extract is quoted at $38.5-42/kg.


Last week, there was a slight increase in quotes on the Tryptophan market. This week, its price is $17-19.5/kg (Based on 1,000kg).


The price trend for this ingredient remained stable but declined slightly. This week, the quotation for Arginine is $9.3-11/kg (Based on 100- 500 kg).

Carnitine base/L-Carnitine L-Tartrate /L-Carnitine fumarate /Acetyl L-Carnitine HCL

The market for carnitine series ingredients is already on an upward trend. The carnitine factory revealed that it is expected to see a wave of price increases in the future. This week is the best time to order for customers who need carnitine products.

Astaxanthin Powder Extract

In addition to 1% purity Astaxanthin Powder, common specifications on the market include Astaxanthin Powder 1.5/2%. Compared with the previous market price, the prices of these two specifications have been reduced.

  • The market price of Astaxanthin Powder 1.5% is $62.5-65/kg.
  • The market price of Astaxanthin Powder 2% is $67-69/kg.

Vitamin C

Recently, the price of Vitamin C Powder has been slightly decreasing every week. The quotations for large quantity orders are between $3-3.5/kg. This week, some factories reported that they are planning to increase the price of VC Powder. The specific quotation has not yet been announced.

Popular Supplement Ingredients Prices Update 11/27-12/3

DHA Powder 20% is a popular ingredient in the healthcare product market. Currently, its price is stable at $38-48/kg. It’s important to note that this ingredient is less available in U.S. stocks.

Taurine Powder’s market conditions are stable and unchanged. Its price is $4.5-6.5/kg (Based on 1,000kg).

The common and recommended strength of AAKG Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate is AAKG Powder 2:1. Its price is $15.5-18/kg.

This week, HMB Calcium is quoted at $17.8-19/kg (Based on 100kg). The overall market is stable.

Recently, the ALA Alpha Lipoic Acid market has not experienced significant fluctuations and remains stable overall. Updated quotes for both powder and granular forms. The price of ALA Powder is basically $47.5-52/kg. The price of ALA Granualr is basically $47.5-51/kg.

The market price of Uridine 5’-Monophosphate Disodium Salt is $86.5-90/kg.

The market price of Citicoline is $188-225/kg. Another type of Citicoline Sodium is quoted at $168-172/kg. There is no trend in market prices.

The market price of Longjack Tongkat Ali powder 100:1 is $16.5-18/kg.

The market price of Inositol Hexanicotinate is $45.5-49/kg.

Yohimbine HCL 98% is $580-595/kg.

Saw Palmetto Extract Fatty Acids 45% is a powder product. It is also the normal specification for this extract. Its price is $19.5-22/kg.

Promotional Supplement Ingredients List On Nutri Avenue11/27-12/3

The market prices of ingredients are listed below for reference. Nutri Avenue will provide better prices to support customer needs.

  1. Natural Resveratrol Powder 98%: $175-180/kg
  2. Berberine HCL Granular 97%: $97-100/kg
  3. Bacopa Monnieri Extract Bacosides 50% UV: $15.5-18/kg
  4. Vitamin D3 100,000iu: $8.8-10/kg


The prices of most supplement ingredients are still stable. This week, the market has obvious changes in Milk Thistle Extract, Carnitine Powder Series, and Vitamin C. These three ingredients are all experiencing price increases. Moreover, the changes are obvious and worthy of attention. Arginine and Astaxanthin have slightly reduced prices.

Nutri Avenue will continue to pay attention to the price trends of these important ingredients. We have all the ingredients listed above for sale. Welcome to come for a consultation with us.



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