Passion Flower extract: The Newest Key to Narcotic Addiction

Passion Flower extract

Passion Flower extract: The Newest Key to Narcotic Addiction

The passion of Christ, according to early Spanish explorers in the mid 1500’s, is symbolized in a crucifix-like beautiful flower creation known in modern biology as the Passion Flower. Although it is originally recorded as a mere symbolic element, researchers say that the use of Passion Flower extract in the field of traditional medicine may have dated back even centuries before its discovery. There are many theories as to how Passion Flower extract effectively enhances mood and sedation among anxious individuals but there are no concrete findings as of the moment which clearly shows how the extract works. Most studies on Passion Flower extract for purposes of development of health supplements are also conducted only on animal subjects but with the advent of modern technological methods, scientists have already initiated tests on humans.

What is Passion Flower extract?

Passion flower is among the many varieties of the genus Passiflora. Majority of the parts of the plans, especially ground parts, are used in the development of medications for various illnesses. Most of the health effects associated with Passion Flower extract use affect the brain and the psychological functions of an individual as the active components of the extract are believed to effectively cross the blood brain barrier. Many health supplement brands include Passion Flower extract in their formulations as it has unique health benefits prove to be helpful among individuals of all ages.

What benefits may be derived from Passion Flower extract use?

Passion Flower extract usually requires other compounds for maximum efficiency as some of its active components have very short bioavailability. Independent studies on Passion Flower extract reveal, however, that it may provide specific health benefits which include, among others, the following:

  • It may treat withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms usually result when patients choose to discontinue use of certain addictive compounds or drugs instantaneously. Among the most difficult withdrawal symptoms to deal with, according to medical practitioners, is narcotic drug withdrawal. In a study recently concluded, experts found that Passion Flower extract may help prevent narcotic withdrawal symptoms and enhance recovery. There is very little understanding as to how the active compounds of the extract works in this way. There are also no findings as to the effects of Passion Flower extract on other withdrawal symptoms such as those associated with alcohol or other drugs.

  • It may treat Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

As few as the understanding on Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is, there are also very few information which can lead to the explanation as to how Passion Flower extract treats the condition. In one study conducted on patients suffering from ADHD, researchers noticed a significant reduction of symptoms among subjects who have undergone Passion Flower extract supplementation.

  • It may regularize heart beat

Researchers also say that certain compounds found in Passion Flower extract may help regularize heartbeat, thus reducing risk for cardiovascular attack.


Passion Flower extract is more than just a symbolic element. It is now an essential supplement ingredient which can help promote overall wellness.

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