Rimonabant: A Powerful Compound for Obesity


Rimonabant: A Powerful Compound for Obesity

Known in the field of medicine as a powerful anorectic anti-obesity drug, the interest in Rimonabant and its potential effects in enhancing weight loss effects has become a hot issue in the health supplement manufacturing field. In 2008, however, after findings that the compound may cause depression in up to 10% of individual users and that it may result in suicidal tendencies in at least 1% of the subjects, the use of the drug in the manufacture of medicines has been withdrawn worldwide. Not wanting to abandon the therapeutic benefits for its adverse effects, modern experts have conducted studies on using Rimonabant safely and effectively. Safety doses have then been established, and contraindications set for Rimonabant use. Today, several manufacturers of weight loss supplements include healthy levels of Rimonabant for purposes of effective fat loss.

What is Rimonabant?

Classified as a selective CB1 receptor blocker, Rimonabant has been a prescription medicine in areas across Europe since 2006. The compound has been used by obese patients having very high body mass index. It is commonly indicated not only for purposes of eliminating body fats and enhancing the physical appearance of obese and overweight individuals but Rimonabant is primarily sought to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as well as Diabetes Mellitus. The compound has a mechanism of action associated with the cannabinoid system, and many experts are fully convinced as to how it works in enhancing weight loss efforts. However, it must be used with caution and not by patients suffering from certain psychiatric conditions for safety purposes.

Health benefits of using Rimonabant

Within doses established by experts, Rimonabant can be very helpful. Contraindications for using the compound must be checked, however, by individual patients before use to ensure safety. Some of the benefits of using Rimonabant health supplements include the following:

  1. It effectively suppresses the appetite.

As an endogenous cannabinoid receptor antagonist, Rimonabant effectively suppresses appetite by reducing the stimulation of hunger in the brain. Patients who are into weight loss programs can prolong fasting while engaging in healthy levels of exercise for purposes of effective weight loss. Many obese patients who have been subjected to Rimonabant supplementation have observed massive weight loss in just a few weeks of use.

  1. It reduces the risk of heart disease.

Rimonabant supplementation is also effective in reducing the risk of heart disease. According to experts, taking Rimonabant helps eliminate fat molecules attached to blood vessels, thereby enhancing blood flow and preventing atherosclerosis.

  1. It can prevent Diabetes Mellitus Type II.

Studies also show that Rimonabant supplementation can be very useful in preventing Diabetes Mellitus Type II as the compound helps eliminate fats that have accumulated into cellular key receptors, thereby facilitating insulin reception.


Individuals with hypersensitivity to Rimonabant as well as those who are suffering from certain health conditions, are advised to seek medical consultation before the use of the compound. When taken safely, the compound is proven to be very effective.

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