Schisandra Chinensis extract for Optimal Health

Schisandra Chinensis extract

Schisandra Chinensis extract for Optimal Health

The cells in the vascular organ liver are among the most difficult to re-grow, thereby making liver damage and degeneration a very serious health condition. This is the reason why many practitioners of medicine are spending much in order to discover herbal extracts which may promote liver cell growth and treat massive liver damage. Among the herbal extracts which have interestingly shown positive results in terms of liver cellular growth is Schisandra Chinensis extract. For thousands of years, Schisandra Chinensis extract has been used in traditional medicine as an adaptogen or an agent which allows the body to adapt with various changes brought about by changing environment and circumstances. It has also been used to increase disease resistance. Today, many individuals take Schisandra Chinensis extract for purposes of overall wellness enhancement.

What is Schisandra Chinensis extract?

Schisandra Chinensis extract is taken from the powerful Chinese herb traditionally known as Wu Wei Zi. It has been in existence as an alternative medicinal source since the early eras across Asian regions. Many of the health benefits of using Schisandra Chinensis extract are, however, discovered only in the recent years. The active compounds in Schisandra Chinensis extract are shown to affect not only the hepatic system but also other systems of organs in the human body. In recent quantitative researches on animal subjects, it has been observed to effectively reduce blood pressure, thereby preventing any hypertension-associated complications like myocardial infarction, embolism and stroke. Experts also advise patients with Diabetes Mellitus to take Schisandra Chinensis extract supplements as it was evidenced in studies that it may help control increased blood sugar levels. It must be taken with caution among persons undergoing medication therapy as it may cause drug interactions.

What are the benefits of using Schisandra Chinensis extract?

Schisandra Chinensis extract supplementation can bring about a lot of advantages to individual users. The following are some of the uses of Schisandra Chinensis extract:

  • It may treat hypercholesterolemia

Cholesterol affects not only the cardiovascular system but also metabolic system as it interferes with effective entry of glucose in the cells. Experts have observed that Schisandra Chinensis extract is quite effective in treating increased cholesterol levels, thereby preventing various conditions.

  • It may treat erectile dysfunction

Manufacturers of male health supplements also include relative amounts of Schisandra Chinensis extract in their formulations as it is shown to help treat the condition. The effects are not, however, immediate.

  • It may help treat insomnia

Sleeping disorders like insomnia may be treated with Schisandra Chinensis extract supplementation as it enhances production of hormones and neurotransmitters that aid in sleep stimulation. Many individuals with insomnia are observed to find relief with Schisandra Chinensis extract.


Along with other adaptogenic herbal extracts, Schisandra Chinensis extract is believed to promote wellness among individual users of all ages. It is safe for use within prescribed doses.

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