Sea buckthorn fruit extract: The Super Fruit Used by Genghis Khan

Sea buckthorn fruit extract

Sea buckthorn fruit extract: The Super Fruit Used by Genghis Khan

Major health diseases such as Cancers, Diabetes and other Lifestyle-associated conditions are mostly prevented with the use of essential health ingredients proven to help improve wellness through various activated patterns. Among the most common fruit extracts which has been shown by phytochemical researches to contain tons of essential compounds useful for health is the Sea buckthorn fruit extract. The extract has been included in various health supplement formulations especially indicated for adults and elderly individuals. Many cosmetic and beauty products also contain Sea buckthorn oil as it is shown to prevent rapid skin aging and improve overall skin appearance. Individuals also use Sea buckthorn fruit to make jellies, purees and other food products.

What is Sea buckthorn fruit extract?

Known as the super fruit berry in the field of health supplement manufacture, Sea buckthorn fruit contains high amounts of minerals including Omega oils and antioxidants. The fruit extract has been used for centuries in several regions across China but modern scientific researches on Sea buckthorn only began in the recent decade. Although not fully recorded in historic documents, it has been a legend that the famous Genghis Khan also used Sea buckthorn fruit to strengthen his conquering power. The active ingredients of Sea buckthorn fruit extract are claimed by health experts to heal various disorders from ordinary cough and colds to the most serious conditions such as Cancers. Although the leaves and roots of the plant are also subjected to extraction procedures to produce health supplement ingredients, studies show that the fruit yields highest amounts of phytochemicals.

Health benefits of using Sea buckthorn fruit extract

Sea buckthorn as a whole provides a wide range of health benefits, whether the ingredient is produced from the fruit, the leaves or the roots. In general, the following are the health benefits of taking Sea buckthorn fruit extract health supplements:

  • It may lower cholesterol levels

Many compounds found in Sea buckthorn fruit extract are believed to reduce cholesterol, triglyceride and lipid levels in the human body, resulting to the effective prevention of various lifestyle-associated conditions. The activated patterns of these individual compounds are shown under independent clinical researches.

  • It prevents inflammatory conditions

Various inflammatory diseases like arthritis, ulcers and gout can be prevented in progression with regular Sea buckthorn fruit extract supplementation, according to health studies. The extract contains essential nutrients which strengthens joint and muscle function as well as organ resistance from health conditions.

  • It neutralizes free radicals in the body

Circulating free radicals are toxic compounds which damage cells and probably cause body cell mutations. Studies show that Sea buckthorn fruit extract supplementation can help neutralize and eliminate free radicals in the body.


As a healthy food product, there are no risks associated with Sea buckthorn fruit extract use in the health supplementation field. It is a safe health ingredient proven to improve overall wellness.

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