Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin: Antioxidant Compound for Wound-healing

Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin

Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin: Antioxidant Compound for Wound-healing

The health supplement production field has long promoted the use of natural ingredients which prevent cancers and other illnesses in whatever way. For decades, experts have long recommended the use of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin in modern supplement formulations as it is shown to effectively prevent liver cancer in long-term use. There are, however, evidences showing that in some individual groups, Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin does not prevent liver cancer. Studies are still being conducted to fully determine how Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin works and whether it works in liver cancer and in other forms of cancers. Excessive doses of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin are also not recommended for use as it may pose risks to health, and may even cause cancer. Experts also say that persons who are suffering from certain health conditions must take Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin when recommended only by their physicians.

What is Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin?

The naturally-occurring compound Chlorophyll in plants is useful for various purposes among living things in the Kingdom Plantae. Thus, experts in laboratory fields have developed a compound which has comparatively similar molecular structure as Chlorophyll. This compound is known Chlorophyllin. In order to make it ideal for human consumption, experts have included compounds along with Chlorophyllin, leading to the production of the popular health supplement ingredient known as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin. When applied topically in the form of ointments, Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin is shown to effectively improve wound healing rates. Some individuals have also reported that topical application of Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin may result to reduction of pain sensation in the wound area. As to the exact mechanism of action as to how Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin works in wounds, experts have not yet established pharmacodynamic patters. However, researchers are currently finding out more about how Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin may work in healing wounds not only in the external field but also internally.

What are other benefits of using Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin?

There are several other benefits and advantages of using Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin. These include the following:

  • It reduces oxidative stress damage

Cellular damage brought about by oxidative stress may result to the development of various health conditions. Studies reveal that Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin supplementation may help reduce oxidative stress as it helps eliminate toxic compounds in the body.

  • It effectively improves cellular function

Improved cellular function may result to enhancement of organ systems processes. According to experts, the effective elimination of free radicals through Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin supplementation may improve overall cellular function.

  • It has deodorizing effect

It was also established in some health studies that Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin has deodorizing effects. This may be beneficial especially in medically-diagnosed conditions which cause symptoms associated with odor.


Individual users must always take Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin within recommended doses only to prevent potential side effects. It must also be taken with caution among very young individuals.

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