Clinical researches have always been consistent in establishing potential evidences on the health claims associated with the use of the plant genus Sorbus extract. There are many species under the genus Sorbus but most of the specific scientific names have common health benefits. Experts say that including Sorbus extract in health supplement formulations can be very helpful in enhancing overall health as the extract contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Phytochemical studies also show that the extract contains certain compounds which are needed by the human body for optimum function. Fruits of the genus Sorbus are not typically eaten raw as it is too astringent but many individuals use the fruits in making juices and jellies. In the field of health supplement manufacture, Sorbus extract is included in relative doses for better health.
What is Sorbus extract?
Sorbus extract is taken from the fruit of any of the species of the plant genus Sorbus. The most common species of Sorbus which is used in the making of medications is Rowan berries or Mountain Ash. In the early days, Rowan berries are used in the treatment of sore throats when made into decoctions. Although the claim is not fully established, experts say that Sorbus extract may effectively treat sore throat as it contains high amounts of Vitamin C. Manufacturers of cosmetic products also include Sorbus extract in their formulations as it contains Sorbic acid, a very potential antimicrobial agent. Sorbic acid in Sorbus extract is also used in preserving food, as evidenced by certain food preservation studies.
What are the benefits of using Sorbus extract?
The widespread use of Sorbus extract in many fields has led to the completion of many studies as to its potential health uses. Some of the most well-known uses of Sorbus extract include the following:
- It may enhance immune system function
The high Vitamin C content of Sorbus extract is believed to be the reason as to why the health supplement ingredient effectively enhances immune system function among individual users. By enhancing immune system function, Sorbus extract is claimed to help reduce individual risk from developing infections and other illnesses.
- It promotes uric acid detoxification
In one clinical study conducted on Sorbus extract, it was found that certain compounds found in the extract help promote uric acid detoxification. As a direct effect, individuals who suffer from gouty arthritis which is caused by increased uric acid in the blood are at lesser risk for development of inflammation.
- It may enhance metabolism
Another important finding which is currently gaining attention among experts and weight loss enthusiasts is the claim that Sorbus extract may help enhance metabolism. If proven true, Sorbus extract may be used as a weight loss ingredient.
In terms of safety, no risks have been associated with the use of Sorbus extract within recommended doses. It must be taken, however, with caution among high risk individuals.