Star anise extract: A Supplement Ingredient Against Microbial Growth

Star anise extract

Star anise extract: A Supplement Ingredient Against Microbial Growth

The soothing effects of drinking star anise tea, according to many researches, can also be experienced with Star anise extract supplementation. Aside from promoting relaxation and anxiety or stress relief, the active compounds in Star anise extract are also claimed to enhance functioning of several body organs including the heart and the digestive tract. For thousands of years, star anise has been used in alternative medicine forms in the treatment of several heath conditions including cough and colds and influenza. Today, with the advent of advanced medical studies, experts have discovered many other benefits of using Star anise extract which include prevention and treatment of serious and life-threatening lifestyle-associated conditions. There are limited risks associated with Star anise extract use, making it a highly-recommended ingredient for modern health supplements.

What is Star anise extract?

Many modern health supplements indicated for young and old individuals contain relative amounts of Star anise extract as it is shown by several quantitative and some qualitative studies to be effective against genetic mutations which cause rapid and immature growth of several body cells. As a result, Star anise extract is suggested to help prevent cancer cell growth especially in the early stages of the disease process. It is also claimed that the anti-oxidant effects of Star anise extract may extend to preventing rapid cellular aging including skin cells, thereby preventing appearance of early signs of aging. Star anise extract is not new in the field of health supplement manufacture as well as in the pharmaceutical field but many of its health benefits have only been established in the recent years.

What are the benefits of using Star anise extract?

Overall, Star anise extract is known to promote health and wellness by improving several vital bodily processes. Some of the well-known uses of Star anise extract include the following:

  1. It may control viral growth

The growth of viruses are not as controlled as bacterial growth due to the nature of the microorganism as self-limiting but the rapid reproduction of viruses must be prevented among patients who are immune-compromised. Studies show that Star anise extract contains Shikimic acid, a well-known antiviral agent which is used also by pharmaceutical companies.

  1. It may control fungal growth

Star anise extract also contains certain compounds which effectively control growth and generation of fungus in the skin and in the other parts of the body. This benefit may help prevent development of skin diseases.

  1. It enhances immune system responses

As in the early days, modern science shows that Star anise extract can be useful in enhancing immunity. Specific patterns to this effect are not yet known.


Health supplements with Star anise extract are safe and effective. It must be taken with caution, however, among individuals who may develop allergic reactions.

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