Tetramethyluric acid: The Safer Equivalent of Caffeine

Tetramethyluric acid

Tetramethyluric acid: The Safer Equivalent of Caffeine

While caffeine in coffee and other caffeinated beverages is scientifically-accepted as a wellness-enhancing compound, some experts say that the use of the compound can be dangerous as it results to significant increase in blood pressure. Due to the dangers of caffeine side effects, experts have sought to discover a potential replacement for caffeine which contributes similar health benefits without causing adverse effects. It was then discovered in a clinical study that a compound known as Tetramethyluric acid, which is found in certain plant species including teas and coffee, can provide similar health benefits as that of caffeine. It was also found that the use of Tetramethyluric acid does not result to increase in blood pressure, which is commonly observed following long-term caffeine use.

What is Tetramethyluric acid?

Tetramethyluric acid or Theacrine is found naturally in roots and leaves of various plants. It is believed to be among the compounds in plants which contribute to herbal treatment efficiency as evidenced in several studies. In terms of molecular structure, scientists say that the compound Tetramethyluric acid is almost similar to caffeine. The health benefits of using Tetramethyluric acid are also similar to that of caffeine health effects. Many manufacturers of health supplements include Tetramethyluric acid in the formulation of pre-workout supplements but modern scientific researches show that it can contribute many other benefits for adults in general.

What are the benefits of using Tetramethyluric acid?

Since the compound is not associated with blood pressure rise, Tetramethyluric acid is said to be the closest possible replacement for caffeine. Taking Tetramethyluric acid health supplements can provide a wide range of health benefits which include the following:

  • It may improve overall brain activity

Similar to caffeine, Tetramethyluric acid works by stimulating body cells, including brain cells. Brain stimulation effectively improves overall cognition, although the effects of the compound may vary with age. Tetramethyluric acid provides rapid improvement in alertness after its metabolism and absorption but it may not provide long-term effects. When taken for long periods of time, however, scientists believe that Tetramethyluric acid may improve memory, concentration and analytical abilities.

  • It may enhance relaxation

When taken within low doses, Tetramethyluric acid is observed to promote relaxation rather than stimulation. This is the reason why teas containing Tetramethyluric acid have relaxing instead of stimulating effects. It is, however, stressed in clinical studies that the compound must be taken in low doses to promote cellular and metabolic relaxation. When taken in high doses, most of its health effects are associated with stimulation.

  • It may lessen liver damage

Widespread liver damage brought about by medication use and alcohol intake is irreversible but in one study, experts have made a conclusion that the use of Tetramethyluric acid may potentially lessen liver damage by preventing rapid deterioration of liver cells.


There are no sufficient studies available to prove Tetramethyluric acid efficiency but with the availability of quantitative studies, it is accepted by experts as an effective health supplement compound.

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