The potential treatment for cancer and multiple scleroris: Luteolin


The potential treatment for cancer and multiple scleroris: Luteolin

Citrus bioflavonoid Luteolin has taken a huge step ahead of other bioflavonoids after a study made a conclusion that it has the capacity to treat rather than merely prevent cancer cell development. While the claim is still under huge deliberations, most researchers are fully convinced with the conclusion as the compound has been linked to inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and enhancing cancer cell death rate. Some clinical studies also show that the powerful anti-inflammatory effects of the compound can contribute to its cancer-fighting effects. With all the findings about Luteolin and its effects in treating cancer, a lot of physicians are looking into the compound as a good alternative option for cancer therapies.

What is Luteolin?

Like all other bioflavonoids, Luteolin can be found in various food sources, especially vegetables. The compound is derived from food sources through isolation studies conducted in high-end laboratories. Since the compound is also found in certain herbal medicinal plants like oregano, rosemary and parsley, some experts say that the actions of these herbal medicines are highly associated with their Luteolin contents. Luteolin is currently undergoing human-subject studies to establish its safety for human consumption and for subsequent approval as a medicine component under the US Food and Drug Association.

What are the benefits of using Luteolin?

Aside from preventing and Treating Cancer of various forms like prostate cancer, Luteolin is shown to be beneficial among individual users in several other ways. The following are some of the benefits of using Luteolin:

  1. It may prevent Osteoporosis

Post-menopausal age is associated with the development of various hormone-associated disorders like osteoporosis. The condition is characterized by loss of bone mass due to changes in the rate of production of the female hormone estrogen. Studies show that bioflavonoid compounds like Luteolin can help Prevent Osteoporosis by promoting hormonal balance even among post-menopausal women. It is, however, best to take Luteolin-containing supplements before the menopausal age for purposes of preventing osteoporosis.

  1. It can help treat Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis or MS remains to be an incurable progressive disease but with adjunct therapies, studies show that the lifespan of patients with MS can be prolonged. In a study published by an author Theoharides TC, it was established that Luteolin can be an alternative option for MS treatment as it inhibits activated peripheral blood leukocytes which contribute to the exacerbation of MS symptoms.

  1. It may treat Arthritis

Arthritis is a disorder characterized by the inflammation of the joints in the toes and knees. While gouty arthritis is associated with food intake, rheumatoid arthritis is brought about by rheumatic heart disease. In both forms of arthritis, the patient is expected to suffer from swelling of the joints. In a study, it was found that the anti-inflammatory effect of Luteolin is effective not only against ordinary inflammation but also against Arthritic inflammations.


Other benefits of Luteolin include reduction of nausea and vomiting as well as treatment in hyper secretion of the gastric mucosa. While most of the benefits of Luteolin are founded on explained mechanisms of action, experts believe in its efficiency due to proven results.

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