Vine Tea extract: The Supplement Extract for Alcoholics

Vine Tea extract

Vine Tea extract: The Supplement Extract for Alcoholics

Excessive alcohol intake on a daily basis for a long period of time may rapidly kill body cells and result to the development of various health conditions affecting not only the liver but other organ systems as well. It was, however, revealed in one study that a compound known as Ampelopsin or Dihydromyricetin may be very helpful in preventing the degenerative effects of alcohol in the body and may even prevent other immediate symptoms of alcohol intoxication like hangovers and withdrawals. The compound Ampelopsin is found in one of the most popular health supplements in the modern generation known as Vine Tea extract. Following findings that Vine Tea extract contains Ampelopsin, many pilot studies were conducted to find out more on the other compounds found in the extract. With the conduct of many health studies, experts were able to establish several health benefits of using Vine Tea extract within relative doses.

What is Vine Tea extract?

Many health supplements contain Vine Tea extract as it is found in health studies to provide several health benefits. Vine Tea extract is taken from the leaves of the Vine Tea herb which has long been used in the early generations as a longevity herb. It has also been used in the ancient times as a morning drink to sober up individuals who have taken excessive alcohol doses. According to extensive researches, Vine Tea extract not only protects the liver but also prevents damage to the brain brought about by alcohol. Because alcohol has the capacity to cross the brain barrier, it has long been found that alcohol can damage the brain, thus increasing risks for certain brain conditions. Vine Tea extract contains several classifications of healthy chemicals and compounds which help improve various bodily systems. It may also enhance immunity responses and prevent development of many diseases.

Health benefits of using Vine Tea extract

Other advantages and benefits of using Vine Tea extract include the following:

  • It may help promote cellular detoxification

Aside from Dihydromyricetin, the health supplement ingredient Vine Tea extract also contains other compounds found to possess antioxidant properties. These antioxidant compounds help detoxify body cells and eliminate chemicals which damage cellular structures.

  • It has effects in preventing cancer

It has also been observed that persons who have been taking Vine Tea in the past have lower risks for disorders including cancer. This being the case, experts believe that the supplement ingredient has potential effects in preventing cancer development.

  • It may prevent rapid cell degeneration

Cell degeneration may result from destruction brought about by free radicals. By eliminating free radicals in the body cells, it is believed that Vine Tea extract may prevent cell degeneration and promote formation of healthy new cells.


Vine Tea extract is a very useful supplement ingredient for persons who are at high risk for cellular damage due to alcohol consumption. However, it must be taken only within recommended doses to prevent side effects.

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