Xylitol Directly Compressed/DC: Tooth Decay Sweetener


Xylitol Directly Compressed/DC: Tooth Decay Sweetener

Tooth decay secondary to bacterial accumulation in the oral cavity is among the most common conditions being dealt with by dentists in young children. In the recent decades, however, it appears that the number of adolescents and adults who are suffering from tooth decay due to bacterial infection has significantly increased due to various associated factors. Experts say that the use of antibacterial toothpastes and mouthwashes may help control tooth decay. However, when the infection is already of advanced stage, alternative medical interventions may be required. Using Xylitol DC health supplements is one of the most effective ways of dealing with the condition. Aside from its antibacterial effects which work from inside the body to the external, studies also show that Xylitol DC has many other health benefits.

What is Xylitol DC?

Along with Stevia and other natural sweeteners, Xylitol DC is a very popular health supplement ingredient which works primarily in bacterial growth control. There are many benefits of using Xylitol DC, both documented and undocumented. While many quantitative studies show that the use of Xylitol DC may provide various health benefits, there are only a few qualitative studies providing concrete foundation to these health claims. Currently, however, experts are conducting studies on both animal and human subjects to understand how Xylitol DC works in the body. Despite the many benefits of using Xylitol DC as provided in scientific researches, doctor’s advice individuals to take Xylitol DC only within recommended doses as excessive doses may result to dangerous side effects.

What are the benefits of using Xylitol DC?

The following are among the most known benefits of using Xylitol DC:

  • It may help control blood sugar levels

Patients who are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus usually experience changes in their blood sugar levels from time to time. In one study, it was found that Xylitol DC supplementation may help control blood sugar levels, thereby preventing dangerous effects of blood sugar high’s and low’s.

  • It can be used against hypertension

Studies also suggest that Xylitol DC supplementation may be quite promising in hypertension control. This being a new finding, experts are still conducting confirmatory studies to provide sufficient foundational basis for this claim.

  • It may promote gut health

Xylitol DC supplementation may also have beneficial effects in improving health of the gastrointestinal tract, beginning from the mouth to the intestines and the anus. This benefit, according to experts, is associated with the claim that Xylitol DC supplementation may help improve sugar uptake.


There are many reasons why experts recommend the use of Xylitol DC not only in health supplement formulations but also in toothpastes and other products for oral health. However, very young children are not advised to take Xylitol DC unless it is recommended by their physicians.

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