Polydatin – Natural Resveratrol Analogue for Better Wellness


Polydatin – Natural Resveratrol Analogue for Better Wellness

The natural phenol Resveratrol plays vital roles in the human body by protecting body cells from destruction and preventing genetic mutations which usually result to various forms of cancers. Although the compound can be supplemented both by dietary sources and health supplements, experts advise the use of several resveratrol precursors to promote levels of the compound in the human body. One of the most efficient Resveratrol analogues, which are also claimed by some group of experts to provide health benefits of its own, is Polydatin. Polydatin has been the subject of many health researches since its discovery. It is an interesting compound for many health researchers as it is said to be absorbed by the body without risks, thereby enhancing Resveratrol reserves. The compound is safe for use in health supplement formulations.

What is Polydatin?

Polydatin is an analogue or precursor for the production of Resveratrol in the human body. In a 2004 study, experts have found that Polydatin has longer bioavailability compared to Resveratrol and may be absorbed by body cells more efficiently. Since it is a Resveratrol analogue, many of the health benefits of using Polydatin are similar to that of Resveratrol. Manufacturers of health supplements usually include Polydatin, along with other Resveratrol analogues, in the formulation of supplements primarily claimed to prevent cancer cell growth and development. Since dietary sources for Polydatin are limited, health supplementation is highly advised.

Health benefits of using Polydatin

Many Resveratrol analogues including Polydatin provide a wide range of health benefits. In various health studies, experts found that Polydatin supplementation can provide the following health benefits:

  1. It may control inflammation

The anti-inflammatory effects of Polydatin have been the subject of many researches following finding that it can prevent inflammation brought about by infections and other causes. The mechanism of action of Polydatin in terms of inflammation control is similar to that of Resveratrol. Some experts in various studies conducted in 2007 also say that the effects of Polydatin in controlling inflammation may be advanced as compared to Resveratrol as it is highly bioavailable and easily absorbable.

  1. It controls ovarian cancer

Although the compound Polydatin is generally claimed to prevent various types of cancer, certain studies reveal that it is specifically effective against ovarian cancer or cancer of the female ovaries. The exact manner on how Polydatin prevents the condition and promotes reproductive health among women is not yet fully understood.

  1. It may work against shock

A double-blind study recently conducted shows that at certain doses, Polydatin may also be effective against hemorrhagic shock and septic shock. The study was conducted on human subjects but is limited to quantitative findings.


The use of Polydatin in health supplements is as efficient and safe as Resveratrol. It is also safe for use among various groups of individuals.

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